Not today Dengue! DIY Banishing Spray.

Our island’s news has been Headlining lately with the latest cases of Dengue. As of today, I believe the last headline was up to 12 cases and with two reported from the central south area of the island in Piti.

The previous cases all started in the Northern parts of the island and it looks as though the bug is about to bite down in the south.

Since these announcements, it’s also been reported that there’s a shortage of bug repellent on the island.

Not to fret folks. You can make your own,  all natural repellent!

There are several homemade recipes that are available to try with a simple Google or Pinterest search. But I’ll share with you a few of my favorite ingredients for creating an all natural bug off spray.

The recipe I’ll share with you now won’t exactly be like the one I have formulated for my shop, which is actually more of a Banishing room and body Spray than a repellent really. I have specifically crafted those ingredients to act as both a skin nourishing oil that happens to help ward off bugs, bacteria and bad vibes, appropriately called Banish.

My inspiration is to create items that reduce the amount of stuff we use and store, especially in the area of personal care products. My focus is  conjuring conscious concoctions to simplify, align and essentially allowing for more relief and release in our life.

Here now is a recipe of something sort of similar to my Banish spray that you can try for your own purposes.


    Empty Spray Bottle
    Coconut Oil
    Castor or Olive Oil
    Essential Oils of all or either Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Peppermint & Thyme


Fill empty bottle half way with coconut oil. Then pour Castor or Olive oil in bottle till both oils fill bottle leaving about a 1/4 of the bottle left to add the essential oils. Depending upon the size of bottle you will add equal parts or drops of each, all or just one of the essential oil(s) as you like, till bottle is just about full. Careful not to fill completely as you will still need room to put the spray cap back on. That’s it!

Keep spray away from mouth and eyes and remember to spot test. As with any and all things, even all natural, it’s best to test for any skin sensitivities prior to applying all over coverage.

Also don’t forget to take extra precautions when preventing bug bites. Wear long sleeves, pants and try not to stay outdoors for long periods of time, especially at night.